Great Falls Twins Find Healthy Ways to Grieve at Camp Francis

Michaela Munsterteiger, a 20-year-old junior at Montana State University, aspires to follow in her grandmother’s footsteps by becoming a nurse and helping others.

Once she graduates in May 2020, Michaela hopes to work in pediatrics at Benefis and is most looking forward to getting to know patients on a personal level. “I enjoy making patients as comfortable as possible and doing whatever I can to help them feel better,” said Michaela. “These scholarships mean so much to me. It helps me focus on becoming a better nurse so I can help patients heal.”

Thanks to donors who generously support the Benefis Foundation Healthcare Scholarship Program, Michaela won two scholarships—the Jane M. Buckman Husted Nursing Scholarship and Cecil and Dorothy Goodbrand Memorial Scholarship—which will help her earn a Bachelor of Science degree from the MSU College of Nursing program.

“The staff and volunteers at Camp Francis were incredible. They knew exactly what to say and how and when to say it.”


Their mother, Angie, noticed a real difference in both her children. “Anthony was calm. He found a way to release his energy and work through his aggression,” said Angie. “Before Camp, Meredith held in her grief for a long time. She was trying to take care of me and Anthony. But, she learned to acknowledge her loss and start the grieving process.”

Even though both Meredith and Anthony were nervous and anxious about leaving their mother for four-nights, by the last day of camp, they didn’t want to leave. “Everyone is so nice and understanding,” said Meredith. “They’re really like a family.” Angie marveled at how enthusiastic and happy they were: “they chattered about camp the whole drive home.”

"When asked if they would recommend Camp Francis to other kids, Anthony said, “Go! You’ll make friends and get help learning how to grieve.”

Camp Francis is a completely free service for families in Northcentral Montana. You can support the magic that happens at Camp Francis with a donation to Benefis Foundation. With your help, children will continue to get the help they need and will have the joy in their lives reignited.

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